Farewell, hello team! So today a super short little article which explains how to restart a remote server using the command line (CMD).
The shutdown command
Windows has a built-in shutdown command called "shutdown". It can be used to stop or restart a local or remote machine.
To use this command, simply open a CMD.
The details of this command are obtained by typing "shutdown /?" in a CMD.
Here is a list of the most used functions:
/s - turn off the machine
/r - restart the machine
/m - specify a remote computer
/l - do not log
/t - The time in seconds before stopping or rebooting.
/c - A comment that appears on the machine's reboot or shutdown screen.
Here are some examples:
Shutdown of a machine
shutdown /s
Instant restart of a thing
shutdown /r /t 00
Instant restart of a remote machine
shutdown /r /m \\yourRemoteServer /t 0
There you go, enjoy! 😉