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Reinstall WSUS and the Software Update Point role in ConfigMgr

I recently faced some synchronization error issues with the Software Update Point in SCCM / MECM. It's important to know that the SUP role in ConfigMgr manages the WSUS server role. I tried resetting WSUS, but it ended up completely crashing everything. So, I had to start over from a clean slate, which meant uninstalling everything and then reinstalling.

Below is a brief version and a more detailed version.

The Short Version

To get everything back in order, here is the short version to follow step by step:

  1. Launch the ConfigMgr console and uninstall the SUP (Software Update Point) role in ConfigMgr.

  2. Launch Server Manager and uninstall the WSUS role from the server.

  3. Reboot the server.

  4. Then, you have two options: either delete/restore the SUSDB database from your SQL server, or keep it. In my case, I had a working backup from before I messed things up, so I chose to restore my DB and did a full OVERWRITE.

  5. Launch Server Manager and install the WSUS role on the server. Since I have an MS SQL server, I choose the "SQL Server Connectivity" option, not WID. I specify my SQL Server instance and start the installation.

  6. From the WSUS installation success window, click on "Launch Post-Installation tasks." This will detect whether a SUSDB database exists or not; if not, it creates one, if yes, it uses the existing one. In my case, it detected and used my previously restored DB.

  7. Reboot the server.

  8. Launch the ConfigMgr console and install the SUP (Software Update Point) role in ConfigMgr.

  9. From ConfigMgr, initiate an empty sync (without products) to check if everything is working well (log wsyncmgr.log).

  10. Configure your SUP role (choose products and classifications).

  11. Initiate a sync and recheck if everything is working well (log wsyncmgr.log).

And that's it, you have reinstalled WSUS and the SUP role in ConfigMgr.

If you have a mismatch issue with the catalog version between ConfigMGR and WSUS, here's a fix to apply:

Hope this helps, it's purring for me! 😎

The Long Version

This version is the same as the short one but with additional screenshots and information.

1) Uninstall the Software Update Point role from ConfigMgr

Launch the SCCM/MECM console and go to Administration>Overview>Site Configuration>Servers and Site System Roles.

Click on the concerned site, then right-click on "Software update point" and choose "Remove Role."

Follow the step-by-step process to uninstall the rike.

2) Uninstall the WSUS role from the server

Launch Server Manager, click on "Manage" then "Remove Roles and Features."

To uninstall a product, you need to uncheck it. In our case, uncheck "Windows Server Update Services."

Click on Next and follow the step-by-step process.

3) Reboot the server

4) Then, you have two options: either delete/restore the SUSDB database from your SQL server, or keep it.

In my case, I had a functional backup from before I messed things up, so I chose to restore my DB and did a full OVERWRITE.

5) Install the WSUS role on the server

Launch Server Manager and install the WSUS role on the server. As I have an MS SQL server, I choose the "SQL Server Connectivity" option, not WID. Specify the SQL Server instance and start the installation.

6) Launch the Post-Install

From the WSUS installation success window, click on "Launch Post-Installation tasks." This will detect whether a SUSDB database exists or not; if not, it creates one, if yes, it uses the existing one.

There is a PostInstall log available in the current user's folder C:\Users\CurrentUserThatMadeTheInstall\local\Temp\WSUS_PostInstall_XXXXXXXXXX.log

7) Reboot the server

8) Install the SUP role in ConfigMgr

Launch the SCCM/MECM console and go to Administration>Overview>Site Configuration>Servers and Site System Roles.

Right-click on the concerned site and click on "Add Site System Roles."

Perform the setup by choosing the "Software Update Point" role and not selecting any products because we are going to do an initial empty synchronization. Click on the products to select all of them, then click again to ensure no product is selected (to be done during setup).

9) Initiate a first empty sync without products

Go to "Software Library > Overview > Software Updates > All Software Updates."

Right-click on "All Software Updates" and choose "Synchronize Software Updates."

You can follow the sync progress in the log "wsyncmgr.log."

10) Configure your SUP role (choose products and classifications)

Launch the SCCM/MECM console and go to Administration>Overview>Site Configuration>Servers and Site System Roles.

Click on the concerned site, then right-click on "Software update point" and choose "Properties."

There you can select your classification and products.

11) Lancer une synchro et revérifier si tout fonctionne bien

Go to "Software Library > Overview > Software Updates > All Software Updates."

Right-click on "All Software Updates" and choose "Synchronize Software Updates."

You can follow the sync progress in the log "wsyncmgr.log."

And that's it, you have reinstalled WSUS and the SUP role in ConfigMgr.

Hope this helps, it's purring for me! 😎

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